+93 (0) 700 570 043


+93 (0) 700 570 043

Details Design Projects
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Macroyan Pumping Station
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Qala-e-Ahmad Khan Gymnasium
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Park Upgrading
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Community Conference Hall
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Barbecue area and Greenhouse
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07 Health Facilities in Afghanistan
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Dean Office Interior Design and Decoration
This zooms-in really well and smooth
3 Marastoons at Kabul, Herat, and Balkh
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Ganda Choshma Water Supply System
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Design Modification of Schools
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IFRC office in Afsar (ARCS) Compound
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Kapisa / Gulbahar / PRC
This zooms-in really well and smooth
Detail Design of 3KM Bagh-e-Zarat Road
This zooms-in really well and smooth
Detail Design of Marefat Road
This zooms-in really well and smooth
Detail Design of Qala-e-Patu Road
This zooms-in really well and smooth
Detail Design of Six Shop up to Sadat Hill Road
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Detail Design of Qala-e-Jabar Road
This zooms-in really well and smooth
Detail Design of Seyah 1st and 2nd Parts Road
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Detail Design of Roads in Gozars 19,20 and 26 of Kabul
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Detail Design of Roads in Guzar 40 and 41 of Kabul
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Aynak Copper Mine Surveying and Mapping Road
This zooms-in really well and smooth
Topographical Survey Work for Sheikh Mesri Substation